From Within... YOU

Mind Body Breath

Contact Me
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • - Registered Massage Therapist
  • - Visceral Manipulation
  • - Somatoemotional Release

Hello, I am Shell Shell Cranio Sacral Shell IconAdams. I'm so pleased you have taken the time to visit my website.

Metta ~

I am a Registered Massage Therapist SPECIALIZING in CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release. I also Incorporate Muscle Energy Techniques if required.

Somatic Restorative YOGA BLEND JOURNEY

(Gentle Somatic Yoga-Synergy of Hanna somatic education, Hatha Yoga, meditation, and core energetics/bioenergetics as well as principles subscribed to quantum mechanics) + (Restorative yoga)

  • - 6 week group session
  • - 8 Spaces Available
  • - Sundays 10 AM - 11:30 AM
  • - March 9 - April 13, 2025
  • - No refund on missed classes
  • - Fee applies for set 6 week schedule.
  • - Call or text for inquiries

Beyond the Horizon

Shell Cranio Sacral Main Image1990 I graduated from Semiahmoo Secondary in White Rock British Columbia. It was an iconic building, a place I have fond memories of. I feel so honoured to have graduated from this amazing high school. We were the last graduating class from that location and it was extremely special.

I remember taking library science in grade 12, which was really like a gravy class like a spare. However I got credits for it. It was actually very informative. The librarian was very hip and helpful with many things for a young woman about to graduate.

I remember going to class one day and the librarian saying to me, Shell there’s a contest you can go into. The theme is why would your graduating class deserve to have this radio station at your graduation? The person who wins will receive tickets and limousine ride to Midnight Oil’s outdoor concert and a bunch of other bells and whistles.

You will be competing against other schools and how you win is your peers calling in every morning to vote for you. This all took place within a certain time frame and the enthusiasm prevailed.

I had so many supporters. I was shocked really. In the end I ended up winning because so many people got up early and called to vote for me and our school.

I believe karma flows if a person is kind at heart and cares for those around them.

During this time I became the First Princess in the Miss White Rock pageant. I also humbly excepted the Miss Congeniality title that my peers so graciously afforded me and won the speech contest. I was Miss Pan Pacific and was offered a job with their company....

Shell Cranio Sacral Main ImageWhat made me go into the Miss White Rock pageant? It was not I but was my mom, who brought the subject up and said you are going in the Miss White Rock pageant. You need to find your confidence. I was pretty defiant and said no I’m not doing it. Then I learned a friend was going in as well, so I relented.

I practised in White Rock and Crescent Beach for a total of two years and then moved to Cochrane, Alberta. I married and opened my practice here in Cochrane, until the time I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and chose to stop practising.

I did not let this diagnosis stop me from becoming a mother.

I have a son who is 18 and a daughter that is 15. I can honestly say they are amazing individuals. Respectful, caring empathetic souls.

My life has taken me on a beautiful journey in which I am thankful for as it has made me the resilient, mindful, smart woman I am today.

I have personally endured many adversities. These adversities took me to a very, dark place leaving me, filled with fear and unknowing.

If I wanted to stay in this place, I could, or I could change it by being my own self advocate and change the tide, in which I did. I have prevailed.

I have endured OCD panic attacks, depression, sexual abuse, Multiple sclerosis diagnosis (2001) divorce, to travelling to INDIA for Autologous Stem Cell Transplant and chemotherapy in 2015 for this SAME auto immune disease.Shell Cranio Sacral Mountain Image

I was very fortunate to have this beautiful community, in which I’ve been a part of for over 25 years, stand behind me. From dear caring souls like Crystal Kerr who barely knew me, but knew of my situation, set up the most amazing fundraiser and silent auction. You won’t be surprised to learn MEHTAB Indian restaurant allowed us to have them as the venue for the fundraiser.

The manager at no-frills Mark did an outstanding job putting INDEPENDENCE banner up as you enter the store. It was so humbling to see. He also permitted donations at the till for those that wanted to donate to my cause.

I took my cause to the Lions Club and they donated to me $10,000. Can you believe that?

The firefighters Of Cochrane Alberta visited the lemonade stand that was set up in front of save on foods. I was astounded they spent $100 per glass of lemonade.

The residents of Cochrane felt compelled to support me along my journey to India. I feel deep overwhelming, emotional gratefulness each time I draw on these memories of my life.

To the people, Of Cochrane your kindness has paid off. It’s been nine years since I went to India and I am elated to tell you I am opening my practice once again. Not only my manual therapy treatments but Restorative Yoga as well.

Watercolour medium is my form of painting. It is this medium that I find such freedom, fluidity and creativity.

Shell Cranio Sacral Flowers ImageThe style I paint now is more abstract as it once was full of intricate, small detail, I no longer do.

I am a lover of seashells and really anything to do with the sea. I fall in love with clouds, flowers, mountains, water, and rivers. I love cute things, silver, stones gems and crystals created by Our Mother Earth. I love all forms of life. My garden is my retreat and place in which I find deep solace. Playing in the dirt and massaging it between my fingers allows me to become one with Mother Earth.

I am a water child. Born in June, my astrological sign is cancer. Without a doubt, I am that. Water compels and intrigues me. It’s no surprise Watercolour is my medium. It is freeing and fluid.

I find solitary time in my garden meditatively serene. My soul is replenished in my garden. I take great care creating a pleasing attractive place to visit if you were a bug bee or bird. Joy overwhelms me when I’m surrounded with life.

I love all life, but must admit a few of my favourite animals are humpback whales, otters, platypus, Narwhals, woolly mammoths, beavers, moose hawks, wolverines, and Seahorse. And yes, I actually saw a seahorse when I was travelling to the Cook Islands.

My animal signs are otter and hawk.

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My life has taken me on a beautiful journey in which I am thankful for as it has made me the resilient, mindful, smart woman I am today.

CST... More of how I practice.

I handle each body with deep care and am ever attuned to a persons mental and physical state.

At some point during a session breath work is involved. I will coach a person in understanding breathing, and when to breathe, holding the space for the patient to begin to know themselves when to breathe.

I am trained to listen to your body. My hands are my eyes. I do my utmost effort to create a comfortable, safe place for your body to talk. I have a relationship with your body because I listen to it.

In essence, your body is the ONLY true healer. My role as a Therapist is first and foremost to remain humble, continually feeling the tissue always being led by the body. I have no agenda for there is no I. The body only wants to be heard, there are very few that listen. Your body knows what it needs to heal.

It is my goal for my patients to have self-awareness and be tuned to their body.

This is the beginning of your relationship with your body.

What is CST (CranioSacral Therapy)?

Natural unwinding processes take place and are felt as sensations, inner movement and quite often outer movement. Emotions may arise opening the gateway for SomatoEmotional Release which is release of emotion that is held in the tissue.

When having a CranioSacral Therapy session

“every treatment protocol should be dictated by the wisdom of the patient’s own body“

- Dr. John E. Upledger

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Shell Cranio Sacral Main Still Image

What is SER (SomatoEmotional Release)?

Not only is dysfunction held in dura, bones, cells, fascia, soft tissue and viscera, but  EMOTION can and often does reside here as well.

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Muscle Energy Technique

Therapist Shell uses the techiques developed by Osteopath Fred Mitchell. This manual therapy uses the muscles own energy in the form of gentle isometric contractions to relax the muscles via autogenic or reciprocal inhibition and lengthening to muscle.

Yoga Instructor focussing on Restorative Yoga.

Shell Cranio Sacral Yoga ImageI am a Vinyasa Flow Yoga instructor. I did my training in Tulum, Mexico. CURRENTLY I focus my energy in and on a Restorative Yoga practice. I guide those who are seeking a practice of surrender. Restorative Yoga is a practice that helps the body integrate and heal. Rest and relaxation are the key elements to healing and there are specific processes that take place in the body to help us rest and relax. Restorative Yoga encourages well-being for the body mind and soul.

It is a quiet practice that harnesses the power of stillness and emphasizes psychological and physical support and comfort. The intention is  to promote the deepest level of relaxation and alleviate the effects of stress in our lives. Restorative Yoga differs from other forms of yoga in that the goal of restorative Yoga is not to stretch or strengthen muscles but to tap into the body’s natural resources to establish balance/equilibrium.

Poses are held for long hold times and are done with the support of props so that the body is held in a supported comfortable position. This encourages 100% relaxation, nothing is held and the time is truly restorative. One sinks into and melds with divine Earth giving one’s self over to space and stillness.

One sinks into and melds with divine Earth giving one's self over to space and stillness.

Breath is the monitor of the nervous system

A beautiful way to approach sequencing your yoga practice is through breathing in and breathing out, letting your breath support your practice. Complete relaxation is attained by poses and parasympathetic stimulating breath work, which is diaphragmatic breath.

Let your thoughts be Ethereal. Delicate and light.

One of the meanings of the word yoga is union, derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means 'to yoke'. When oxen are yoked, they must work together for a common purpose. In contemporary yoga, the union is often described as a process of integrating the body, breath, mind and spirit.

Mindfulness Meditation

I had the opportunity to see Sharon Salzberg and Krishna Das at Kripalu in Stockbridge, Massachusetts in the Berkshires, range of hills in Massachusetts.

Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.

I embrace the term
~ from within YOU as my training embodies this. The work your body will do
is from within YOU.

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"Shelly is a very nice and kind person she always makes sure you are comfortable in your surroundings and there is this very nice heating pad bed and she always asks if it’s too hot or too cold. She is always up to chat and talk which is awesome because I’m a chatty person. Overall she was so great! I felt relaxed and calm after my appointment. I normally have a hard time falling asleep, but after my session, I fell asleep immediately. My back feels looser and I am able to move more freely in taekwondo."

Autumn C (daughter of Amie C)

"Shelly is a wonderful person full of demonstrated strength and knowledge for herself and others who have faced or are facing health challenges in their life. She has a true ability to instill in those that come to her for help, the confidence that if they work hard and listen to her advice that they will get better."

Thomas Abbey

"I had a wonderful cranial sacral appointment with Shelly. Her kindness, support, and deep knowledge made the session incredibly reassuring. She was respectful and attentive to my individual needs and circumstances, creating a healing experience tailored just for me. I highly recommend her for anyone seeking a compassionate and skilled practitioner."

Kale Derkson

"Shelly is my craniosacral therapist and as such she has given me relief, comfort, and ease of movement. She has the ability to adapt her skills to the individual’s needs, for whatever your problem is you will find comfort and a sense of well-being."

Christina Hehr-Brousseau

"Shelly is an amazing CST practitioner. Shelly explained to me how it works, that the CST rhythm comes about by the production of cerebral spinal fluid. One of the benefits CST provides is release of tension in the fascia. I found Shelly‘s level of knowledge and understanding impressive. After my session, I had a deep level of relaxation and peace. The atmosphere in her home base practice is one of serenity and peace adding to the whole healing experience. I highly recommend Shelly."


"Over 20 years ago I was a client of Shelly's for Massage Therapy, She also did Cranial Sacral Therapy. Once i experienced the amazing benefits I was hooked.Her knowledge and skill gave me incredible help. I also achieved immense emotional release. I was sad when her life took her in other directions. in early June Shelly contacted me to say she was starting her practice, would I be interested. Amazing, it's been life changing once again. Her skill level of anatomy, and extraordinary ability to read both mental and physical needs always amaze me. Timing has been perfect and I highly recommend her. Thanks Shelly, Faye I have a hard time putting into words Shelly how your skills impact my life and health."

Faye Mcleod

"Shelly is an incredible therapist with calming energy. She always welcomed me so kindly. Shelly created an environment that was relaxing, calming, and healing. After each craniosacral appointment, I felt rejuvenated and peaceful. Thanks for being amazing, Shelly. I highly recommend her."


"I had a session with Shelly a few weeks ago & it was nothing short of amazing, from the moment I first met her I instantly felt safe in capable hands! Her treatment was wonderful & healing! She is a very gifted practitioner & I look forward to my next session ❤️"

Billy MacLeod

"Shelly is both an amazing person and practitioner who genuinely cares about her patients. Her warm and caring energy puts you at ease knowing you are in such skilled hands. She is knowledgeable and professional, a real gem!"

Amie Crossan

"I've known Shelly for 15+ years. Shelly has taught me yoga and how to properly hold poses and different breathing techniques. She has also worked on me through her cranial sacral therapy, helping release built-up pain. She is nothing short of amazing, and it shows in her work. Shelly is a beautiful soul, and you instantly feel welcomed in her presence. Highly recommend her and her services."

Jessi Needam

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